James C. Hawthorne | An Asylum and a Boulevard

James C. Hawthorne | An Asylum and a Boulevard

By Mike Mata ::   February 15th marks the anniversary of the death of an early mental health pioneer and namesake of the perennially weird Portland street, Dr. James C. Hawthorne. Hawthorne, a native of Pennsylvania, was purported to have completed his medical schooling at the Medical University in Louisville, Kentucky, although archives from theContinue Reading James C. Hawthorne | An Asylum and a Boulevard

Portland’s Newspaper Wars | How The Oregonian became a Monopoly

Portland’s Newspaper Wars | How The Oregonian became a Monopoly

By Jeannette Butts :: In 1950, Samuel Newhouse, a multi-millionaire from New York, purchased The Oregonian. This didn’t raise too many eyebrows as he was actively buying large publications. What did start to cause concern, though, was the fate of the Oregon Journal, Portland’s only other daily newspaper. Philip Jackson, the founder of the OregonContinue Reading Portland’s Newspaper Wars | How The Oregonian became a Monopoly